BIN Code 55515908

None in Finland

BIN / IIN Code 55515908 is an Issuer identification number for None from Issuing network MASTERCARD. The code is used in Finland and can be found on a credit card. The type of 55515908 is credit, and the card level is CREDIT BUSINESS PREPAID.

BIN code 55515908 Information
BIN / IIN Code 55515908
Brand Mastercard
Bank Name
Card Type credit
Numeric 246
Country Code 358
Country Capital Helsinki
ISO 3166 code FI
Country Finland
Currecny Euro (EUR)
BIN Codes with Issuing network
51364869 (MASTERCARD)
45061290 (VISA)
374693 (AMEX)
54544298 (MASTERCARD)
406261 (VISA)
469234 (VISA)
43843700 (VISA)
409163 (VISA)
53531786 (MASTERCARD)
40027349 (VISA)
404082 (VISA)
53349186 (MASTERCARD)
54167455 (MASTERCARD)
48959250 (VISA)
42829734 (VISA)
371317 (AMEX)
411887 (VISA)

What is Credit Card Number and BIN Code?

When you apply a credit card, You will find a digit string on the card. The number is the credit card number, it consists of two parts. The leading 6 digits is the BIN number (Bank Identification Number), also known as the IIN (issuer identification number), the last digit is the Luhn check digit and the remaining card number is your personal account number. Visa and Mastercard are the two most prominent payment processors for credit cards.

Luhn algorithm

The types of credit card includes Business credit cards, Secured credit cards, Prepaid cards and Digital cards. All credit card numbers must pass the Luhn algorithm test. The Luhn formula or Luhn algorithm, also known as the "mod 10" or "modulus 10" algorithm is a simple checksum formula, named after its creator, IBM scientist Hans Peter Luhn, used to validate a variety of identification numbers. It is used in credit card numbers, IMEI numbers and many ID numbers like Israel ID Numbers, Greek Social Security Numbers (ΑΜΚΑ), Canadian Social Insurance Numbers and National Provider Identifier numbers in the United States even survey codes appearing on Taco Bell, McDonald's and Tractor Supply Co. receipts.